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Author @hamza-mahjoub

About the project

A compiler for the following mini java BNF grammar

Program ::= MainClass ( ClassDeclaration )* <EOF>

MainClass ::= "class" Identifier "{" "public" "static" "void" "main" "(" "String" "[" "]" Identifier ")" "{" Statement "}" "}"

ClassDeclaration ::= "class" Identifier ( "extends" Identifier )? "{" ( VarDeclaration )* ( MethodDeclaration )* "}"

VarDeclaration ::= Type Identifier ";"

MethodDeclaration ::= "public" Type Identifier "(" ( Type Identifier ( "," Type Identifier )* )? ")" "{" ( VarDeclaration )* ( Statement )* "return" Expression ";" "}"

Type ::= "int" "[" "]"
| "boolean"
| "int"
| Identifier

Statement ::= "{" ( Statement )* "}"

| "if" "(" Expression ")" Statement "else" Statement

| "while" "(" Expression ")" Statement

| "System.out.println" "(" Expression ")" ";"

| Identifier "=" Expression ";"

| Identifier "[" Expression "]" "=" Expression ";"

Expression ::= Expression ( "&&" | "<" | "+" | "-" | "*" ) Expression

| Expression "[" Expression "]"

| Expression "." "length"

| Expression "." Identifier "(" ( Expression ( "," Expression )* )? ")"


| Identifier

| "this"
| "new" "int" "[" Expression "]"

| "new" Identifier "(" ")"

| "!" Expression

| "(" Expression ")"

Identifier ::= <IDENTIFIER>


  • identifier follows the regex expression ? /([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)/ ?
  • <INTEGER_LITERAL> follows the regex expression ? /(-?[1-9][0-9]*)/ ?
  • <BOOLEAN_LITERAL> follows the regex expression = ? /(true|false)/ ?


  • Flex
  • Bison
  • C language

Project files

Get started

Generating app.exe

Generate the app.exe by running the following python script:

import os

os.system("flex LexicalAnalyzer.lex")

os.system("bison -d SyntaxAnalyzer.y")

os.system("gcc -o app lex.yy.c symtab.c codeGenerator.c")

then in cmd


How to use the generated app.exe

Lets consider this test code:

/* ===========================================================
CECI EST UN COMMENTAIRE qui prendra fin a la prochaine
accolade fermante

TP1 - ift2030 - automne 2002
============================================================ */

class Calculator {

public static void main(String[] a) {
System.out.println(new Calculator1().calculate());

/* ====================================================
Classe Calculator1
==================================================== */

class Calculator1 {

bool test; // @ 0
int somme; // @ 1

public int calculate() {
int x; // @ 2
int y; // @ 3
x = 5;
y = 6;
somme = x * 10;
y = somme + 15;
somme = x / y;

if (x < 1) y = 1; else {
x = x + 1;
while (x > somme) y = y + 1;

return x;

Use it as input for the generated app.exe:

app.exe < test.txt